Welcome 2015!


It’s 3:15 pm today January 1st, 2015 in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Happy New Year!

With every new year, come greater challenges and obstacles in life.
We wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face.

We wish you and your family a happy, healthy New Year. We hope that 2015 is a year of dreams fulfilled, mountains climbed, happiness achieved.

We hope all of us are able to meet the inevitable challenges and setbacks with heart and fortitude.

We hope we learn and practice the virtues of patient struggle, unflagging endurance, the ability to build alliances, and the willingness to seek common ground with others.

In terms of the education issues that concern us, we made great headway here in Prince George’s County and Maryland as a state. The most popular post in 2014 was Prince George’s schools CFO, wife resign. Followed by Some leaders in PGCPS – Heart of the problems in Schools. Other popular posts were

  1.  PGCPS Board Counsel’s office epicenter for Corruption and Maladministration,
  2.  Major scandal underway in Pgcps,
  3. Let us demand an end to this fraud!,
  4.  Prince George’s board members charge thousands,
  5.  Watch: BOE Puts Cell Towers on 73 Pgcps Playgrounds in 40 Seconds
  6. Rushern Baker loses Question J – Bid to prolong corrupt tenure Backfires.  and
  7.  7 Highly Effective Habits of Eagles just to name a few.

How Charter Operators Get Rich and NBC News Miami bureau Investigates Charter Frauds were other popular posts. Diane Ravitch put it clearly, “Charter studies continue to show that private management has no “secret sauce.” The media in Ohio, Michigan, and Florida woke up and began to expose the hollowness of the charter advocates’ claims of superiority to public schools. Except for the charters that actively seek to help the  neediest children, the charter boasting is wearing thin. Even better news: Public and professional confidence in VAM continues to plummet. Common Core testing–with its unrealistic passing marks– is in big trouble. The anti-high-stakes testing movement continues to grow in every state. Parents send their children to school to be educated, not to be sorted, rated, and labeled.”

As Peter Greene put it, the greatest win of 2014 was the fact that teachers continued to teach, continued to knock themselves out day after day, despite the attacks on them and on their profession. We can’t resist quoting a small part of Peter’s wonderful post:

In environments ranging from openly hostile to merely unsupportive, teachers went into their classrooms and did their best to meet the needs of their students. Teachers helped millions of young humans become smarter, wiser, more capable, more confident, and better educated. Millions of teachers went to school, met students where they were, and helped those students move forward, helped them grasp what it meant to be fully human, to be the most that they could be. Teachers helped millions of students learn to read and write and figure and draw and make music and play games and know history and understand science and a list of things so varied and rich that I have no room here for them all.

When so many groups were slandering us and our own political leaders were giving us a giant middle finger, we squared our shoulders and said, “Well, dammit, I’ve got a job to do, and if even if I’ve got to go in there and do it with my bare hands in a hailstorm, I’m going to do it.” And we did.

Remember that, On the road to success, the rule is, always to look ahead.

May you reach your destination. May your journey be wonderful and a wonderful time ahead.

Happy New Year 2015 !!!

imageimage1656275_10152610638408174_7401531393158355494_nA Mexican proverb is the operating Mantra for 2015 ‪#‎YearOfPossibility‬ – “They tried to bury us, they did not know we were seeds”


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