Category Archives: Happy New Year for 2014

Happy New Year!


It’s 9am today January 1st, 2014 in Prince George’s County, Maryland. Happy New Year!

With every new year, comes greater challenges and obstacles in life.
We wish you courage, hope and faith to overcome all the hurdles you face.
May you have a great year and a wonderful time ahead.

Happy New Year 2014 !!!





Welcome 2014!


Writing on the last day of the year obviously opens up choices. One can either look back to the year just ending, or look forward to the agenda ahead.

The present and future are always informed by the past; therefore priorities one may wish to set for 2014 will be shaped largely by the events and experiences of the preceding period.

Our biggest wish for the coming year is that we will do away with impunity.

Here we are not talking just about the impunity that places those in positions of leadership above the law and gives them licence to rob, loot, rape and plunder our national and county coffers.

We have in mind a more insidious culture of impunity that afflicts not just the political leaders, but the general citizenry.

We are all guilty of impunity, or aiding and abetting impunity by remaining silent about the crimes all around us.

As motorists, we speed, jump traffic lights, and overtake dangerously.

We accept that motorbike, taxis, Buses etc can operate in violation of all traffic laws.

We turn a blind eye to drunk-driving and make noise when police try to enforce the law.

And we buy immunity for our silent when we allow a culture of impunity to continue, pillaging leaders on the mere basis that we elected them.

Welcome 2014!








Happy Holidays.


Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a future of shared prosperity for all.


Our truly sincere thanks for your goodwill and loyalty throughout the past year. We look forward to meeting you and being of greater service in the future!


~ Reform Sasscer Movement for Prince George’s County ~


Desktop Wallpaper



Thank you for all what you do. Let us help the Homeless youth population and others who might need help. Keep visiting our blogs.



Wishes for a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year for 2014


Goodwill to all men……and the women and the kids.

For us in the United States, Christmas has just started. For most though, Christmas is nearly over.

It started in New Zealand (not as they said on Brazilian TV in Australia) some 20 hours ago, so the rest of the world has already celebrated, while for us  here in Prince George’s County it’s 6:30am and the day is just beginning.

We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and best wishes for the upcoming year ahead, 2014. Thank you very much for your support of our blog, and invaluable feedback this past year. We hope you will join us for a continued exploration on how to make the world a better place through real life stories in 2014. Thankfully Christmas only comes around once a year.

So let us wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

from everyone

~ Reform Sasscer Movement for Prince George’s County ~

1-Merry-Christmas friends




