Tag Archives: Call your Elected Officials now and the Media.

Call your Elected Officials now and the Media.


As the Prince George’s county in the State of Maryland falls short of $62.5millions, the county officials pictured below and others who are currently squandering more than $18 million from the children reserve fund are crying wolf.  This is unacceptable and it should not be overlooked. These officials and others involved in the scam must be held to account for this unethical practice.  Fighting corruption is a global concern because this is a crime that affects both rich and poor countries. However, it also harms people disproportionately, causing major damage precisely to those who are the most vulnerable. Everyone can be a victim of corruption. We all pay its price. Here in Prince George’s County, we must say no to this practice irrespective of the players involved in the practice.

As discussed before in our blog post,  Corruption is the abuse of power. The person with the power then uses his influence for benefit of himself or some special persons. This is one type of corruption which has become a cycle here in Prince George’s County and continues todate. Corruption flourishes when someone has monopoly power over a good or service; has the discretion to decide how much you get or whether you get any at all, and where transparency and accountability are weak. So, to fight corruption we must reduce monopoly, reduce discretion, and increase transparency in many ways. The most common cause of corruption is believed to be a combination of discretion and accountability. Governments with enormous discretionary power and low accountability are most corrupt than those with less discretion and more accountability.

On this note, the world’s highest-performing school systems are built on the ideas of American education professionals ranging from John Dewey to Linda Darling-Hammond and others, ideas that recognize school improvement is not an individual race, but a team sport based on proper feedback of the stake holders. Yet, our own elected officials starting with our own County Executive Mr. Rushern Baker have been ignoring our own considered ideas and opinions in favor of teacher-bashing, privatized choice, fly-by-night fast-track teacher licensing and over-reliance on testing, mismanagement of scarce funds — ideas that have not improved school systems in any nation that has tried them.

Those of us who know better must lift our voices to persuade the residents of Prince George’s County to reject these backward ideas and to oust the politicians who peddle them for their own selfish motives as we move to June 24, 2014 (Early Voting for the Primary Election). We gave Mr. Baker and the new Board of Education Top priorities of which they ignored. We must work together to build our own system-wide improvement effort. The future of public education here in Prince George’s County is at stake more than ever before, and the future of Prince George’s children is at risk. We must lift our voices and be heard. Otherwise we demand a regime change ASAP.


James Fisher


George H. Margolies


Shani K. Whisonant



Mr. Rushern Baker –The all powerful current County Executive for Prince George’s County is known not to be a man of his word according to Prince George’s County NAACP Chapter. He makes promises he cannot keep and is deeply involved in the scandal comprising Dr. kevin Maxwell. (Read more Major scandal Developing in Upper Marlboro). On this note, Mr. Baker needs to take responsibility and resign!


Ms. Monica Goldson  Public Enemy Number 1 – Chief Operating Officer for Prince George’s County controls millions of dollars on behalf of  other conspirators. She is the Architect of mismanagement involving public funds currently underway in Prince George’s county Public schools which is facilitated by ASASP Union (the union)  fueling the fire.  


Dr. Segun Eubanks (Courtesy of the National Education Association)…is brother – in -Law to Mr. Rushern Baker. Talent usually runs in families but this one takes the cake. If this is a sample of Top Executive team that Mr. Baker has assembled for Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS), then GOD HELP US. Only a miracle can rescue us from this mess. Dr. Segun is identified with weak financial controls within Prince George’s county school District and has been smiling all the way to the Bank for the last nine (9) months. (Read more)


Dr. Kevin Maxwell got a hefty $90,000 hand shake on the way out from Anne Arundel County Public Schools and $1 million sign up with guess whose pot cash bonuses?  – PGCPS. What does this guy promise to do for us? Is this performance based appointment? Even wall street sets performance goals. The last time we checked with our school performances, we cannot surely in this economy blow cash on these willy nilly appointments for sure.  Dr. Maxwell was indirectly a subject of the Maryland legislature in the last session for the $90,000 he took with him. (Read more)



Read more >> Why Leaders lose their way

Read more>> Let us demand an end to this fraud!

Read more >>>Major Corruption underway in PGCPS.



Corruption involves the injection of additional but improper transactions aimed at changing the normal course of events and altering judgments and positions of trust. It consists in the doers’ and receivers’ use of informal, extra-legal or illegal acts to facilitate matters. The concept can also be described as the wanton craze for illegal, unethical and often criminal acquisition of wealth or benefits by individuals whose main motive is ego bossing and self-aggrandizement with its attendant negative consequences on the rest of the society. Put differently, corruption is a general concept describing any organized, interdependent system in which part of the system is either not performing duties it was originally intended to, or performing them in an improper way, to the detriment of the system’s original purpose (Aiyegbayo, 2007; Otite, 1986). As it were, there are myriad forms of corruption and these include: political corruption, bureaucratic corruption (misappropriation of public funds), money laundering (such as looted funds and wealth kept secretly abroad), gratification (which involves monetary, pecuniary, material or physical favors as a condition or reward for performing official duty), and nepotism which confers undeserved favors and advantages without receiving or giving gratification except that of primordial identity (Onimode, 2001). Of all these, political corruption is rated higher in many societies. This is because it induces other forms of corruption.
